At Everton Primary School the focus is on developing knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing. The English curriculum is organised into three strands:

  • Language: knowing about the English language
  • Literature: understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature
  • Literacy: expanding the repertoire of English usage.

To ensure maximum learning in English:

  • Two hours of each day are timetabled English blocks. Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop are evidence based high impact teaching strategies where children are explicitly taught strategies to improve speaking and listening, reading and viewing and writing.
  • Literacy is implemented across the curriculum
  • Learning is matched to children’s learning needs, through individual and small-group learning tasks
    Students will experience a broad range of reading materials during the English block.
  • Inquiry based learning is incorporated in language programs.
  • Teacher Professional Learning is ongoing.
  • Literacy support, via the Tutor Learning Initiative and an Education Support Staff member, is provided for students at risk. Ongoing monitoring ensures that progress is tracked across the school.
  • All students follow a sequence according to their individual learning needs based upon the learning focus statements contained within the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Parents are given the opportunity to be involved in reading and writing activities especially through reading groups in the Early Years.
  • Home reading is encouraged through the use of student reading log books.
  • Different genres of writing and reading are featured each term.
  • Literacy improvement, particularly writing, is a main focus within the school’s Annual Implementation Plan and Four year Strategic Plan.
  • Individual learning plans and intervention programs are implemented for all our students.